Los Angeles Franchise Litigation Attorney

Protecting Your Rights Under California Franchise Law

Owning and running a business is difficult enough without having to do so under the restrictions of franchise regulations. Franchise owners must conduct business according to uniform regulations that all other owners under that franchise must follow. In order to ensure that you accomplish this—and that your rights are not wrongfully violated—you need a Los Angeles franchise litigation lawyer by your side.

The Mirkhan Law Firm strives to provide focused and personalized legal counsel and courtroom representation for franchise owners throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Our firm is different in that we truly care for our clients and fight for justice on their behalf. We focus on your best interests, not on our bottom line. Do you need a Los Angeles franchise litigation attorney to protect your business and your rights?

Call (310) 504-1884 to schedule your initial legal consultation.

Buying or Selling a Franchise in California

As mentioned before, the laws surrounding business franchises are more complex than for other businesses. The purchase process involves the franchisor to issue certain documentation, including a detailed Franchise Disclosure Document that outlines what the franchisee can expect and what the business has experience in the past (finances, litigation, etc.). You should only review such a document with a Los Angeles franchise litigation lawyer by your side, as well as the Franchise Agreement before signing and finalizing the transaction.

Before selling a franchise, you will need to receive documentation of the franchisor's consent. You will also have to wait for the next franchisee to be trained and to sign all necessary documentation to finalize the transaction before you can walk away from the franchise.

Other Franchise Business Law Issues in California

There is more to franchise law than just buying and selling. As a franchise owner, you could face other business law issues ranging from employment disputes and contract disputes to advertising, hours of operation, remodeling issues, and more. The Mirkhan Law Firm is prepared to counsel and represent you in any franchise law matter. We know the law, we know your rights, and we can fight to protect the best interests of both you and your franchise.

Contact The Mirkhan Law Firm Today

Do not wait another day to get the counsel and representation that you need in order to protect the future of your business. Our Los Angeles business law firm can provide tailored solutions to businesses facing any type of litigation matter.

Contact us today at (310) 504-1884 to schedule your consultation with a Los Angeles franchise litigation lawyer.