Trademark Infringement in Los Angeles
Business Litigation Lawyer Protecting Your Property: (310) 504-1884
As the world grows larger, trademark infringement, whether intentional or not, occurs more frequently than ever before. In the business world, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office does not have the power to enforce the use or disuse of trademarks. This is where the help of an accomplished attorney with years of legal practice can be useful. Mr. Mershad Mirkhan, will aggressively pursue any situation where trademarks are threatened or infringed upon. It is critical, however, that you act swiftly and with authority in order to protect your rights.
Why Choose Our Trademark Infringement Lawyer?
- Personalized Attention & Sophisticated Solutions
- 100s of Clients Helped
- An Approximate 92% Success Rate
- This Includes Cases Many Other Lawyers Considered "Unwinnable"
- Experienced Challenging the Fortune 500 and Their Lawyers
Give us a call at (310) 504-1884 today to discover your legal options.
Critical Steps to Take
The first step to be taken is usually a cease and desist letter to the infringer. This can sometimes clear up the matter. It is not unusual to discover that the infringer was ignorant of trademark law, or didn't perform adequate due diligence before using the name or symbol. When cease and desist fails to get the desired result, the next step is a lawsuit to put the matter before the court.
The two primary goals of a trademark infringement lawsuit are:
- To get the infringer to stop using the trademark and prevent use by anyone else in the future
- Damages if the infringement of your trademarks causes harm or financial loss to your business
In some cases, the singular goal is the first, to stop the use of your trademarks. In many cases, that misuse has harmed a business by confusing or misleading the consumers and therefore actually diverting income from the legal trademark holder. A case seeking damages is more complex. Either way, you will require a knowledgeable and experienced business litigation attorney. Our experience in this area can be of great benefit if facing an infringement issue.
You Deserve Passionate Legal Guidance
At The Mirkhan Law Firm, it is our ultimate goal to provide each client with the ultimate in customer satisfaction. Our goal is not simply to "win cases"—although we have proven that we are adept at that. Our firm strongly believes that a winning case can only be achieved through the much larger goal of serving justice. This will result in our opponents facing the unenviable task of fighting against an immovable force that is seeking justice at all costs. The result is often a quick resolution of the case through mediation, or a crushing defeat inflicted on the opponent in court.
When facing issues with trademark infringement, do not hesitate to contact our office at (310) 504-1884 immediately!

Get Experience on Your SideBusiness lawsuits can be complicated. We can guide you and help you make the best move.
With Us, You're Never Just a NumberAt our firm, we take each case personally. Let us put together an intelligent strategy on your behalf.
Get Immediate Help from Our FirmWondering if you have a case? Not sure about what step to take next? Contact us for help now!